The Department for Spatial Planning within the Ministry for Energy and Spatial Planning of Luxembourg has published for the first time a report called "Maps and figures" (in French "Des cartes et des chiffres") focusing on land cover and land use in Luxembourg ("Couverture et utilisation du sol au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg"). The report presents very detailed information on the current status and recent trends of the development of artifical surfaces and soil sealing in the country. The maps and figures presented are based on the national reference land cover and land use database for 2018 (LIS-L, Land Information System Luxembourg, land cover, land use) which was produced by space4environment. LIS-L 2018 was the second publication after 2015 of the new approach for mapping land cover and land use in Luxembourg, separating land cover and land use and producing distinct maps of the two. At the moment, space4environment is finalising the 2021 edition of the land cover map.