The COP4N2K project is developing an unprecedented service to support monitoring and management of currently almost 3700 grassland-dominated Natura2000 sites by using Copernicus data: EU Grassland Watch. Producing very long time series of land use/land cover data changes (since 1994) for monitoring the development of those Natura2000 sites, biophysical parameters provided by means of semi-automated processing of Copernicus satellite and land monitoring service data are used to for the development and calculation of grassland status and change indicators. space4environment was in charge of the project lead, indicator definition and analysis, quality control of the EO products, and support to communications.
More information here and on the project flyer.
The report describes the state of nature in the EU is for the period 2013 to 2018 based on reports from Member States under the Birds (2009/147/EC) and the Habitats (92/43/EEC) directives and on subsequent assessments at EU or EU biogeographical levels. In addition to an overview on species and habitats status, both at national and EU levels, it also addresses the status of the Natura 2000 network and its possible contribution to the status of species and habitats. Finally, the report provides results on progress towards Targets 1 and 3 of the EU 2020 Biodiversity Strategy. Despite existing gaps, the data presented are a milestone in assessing the state of nature in the EU and provide a strong basis for improving reporting, assessment and implementation to be able to achieve the aims of the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030.
space4environment contributed to the report with the development and production of maps, indicators and dashboards.
The reporting on nationally designated protected areas (CDDA) is an annual data flow carried out by the EEA that covers European protected areas such as nature reserves, protected landscapes, national parks or other areas that demonstrate protection of biodiversity and nature in spatial form, together with information on the protection carried out and the legal background. Countries report the spatial extent of their national protected areas and further information on each protected area. The European collection of protected areas compiled by the EEA is then made available to UNEP-WCMC for inclusion as a European contribution to the international global database of protected areas.
space4environment is responsible for the quality control and in-depth analysis of the reported data, as well as for the development of protected areas in Europe. As part of this work, space4environment develops QA routines to ensure data quality and creates information dashboards using business intelligence.